01 Jun Bilbao with Gold Installation
Beautiful Installation of the Bilbao Chandeliers...
Beautiful Installation of the Bilbao Chandeliers...
Solaria Lighting is proud to announce the opening of a new showroom! The C & D Building in High Point, NC Suite 1G Plan on dropping by to catch the debut of our gorgeous new chandeliers and sconce! ...
We were thrilled to see the April issue of Southern Living Magazine with our Luigi Chandelier featured! Heather Chadduck Style Director...
8c Sienna Chandelier – The Art of Living Graciously By: Holbrook and Associates...
Vivid Interior and Peace Design Group are the two winners this year. It has been decided that instead of two runner-ups, we are going to award them both winners. Amazing work and we thank them for using our products. Both teams will be awarded $500...